This time of year I always start panicking about Christmas. Then I blink and it's here. Just like that.
See, here's how it works.
Right now it's June. Summer time. We all know how fast summer goes by. This month is almost already over. We have one trip to take to visit my family and one visit from my parents this month and then just like that it's July.
August is my birthday month along with one of my nieces. We also usually host a swimming party for her. So more swimming, cleaning, friend's parties, and back to school time. I told you summer was over in a flash didn't I? Now it's September.
September is my mom's birthday and my daughter's birthday. Full party planning mode. Thankfully this year we are going to do a joint party for the two kids again. Still we have a little family party with a cake on her actual birthday day. Sometime between her birthday at the end of September and my son's birthday at the beginning of October we have the big joint party. Did you say October?
October is my son's birthday. Just like with my daughter we will have a little family party on the day of his birthday. Now we can finally relax a little right? Halloween? What are they going to wear??? Costumes are obtained. We make it through Halloween and it's November.
November is my other niece's and my husband's birthdays. It's also the month of a certain holiday called Thanksgiving. Which we always host at our house. First we celebrate my niece's birthday. Usually we don't host that because it's too cold for a swimming party. Then it's time to clean and plan and cook and try to keep my husband's birthday from slipping through the cracks of crazy busyness . Whew. Got through Thanksgiving. What? Time to decorate for Christmas??? See? Told you it's coming. Here we are at December and I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet!!!
December. We all know what that means. Christmas shopping and decorating (thank goodness the Christmas decorations are still in a pile in the corner) and more cleaning and more hosting of family. Just like that Christmas is over and we are left with happy memories, an empty bank account, a huge mess and more stuff to try to find a space for. Thank goodness we have an entire year before we have to do this again.
Oh, did I mention our anniversary is in January?