What could I possibly do during all that time sitting next to the computer but only being able to click a button? Play on Pinterest of course!!!
The problem is that Pinterest lends to my delusions of grandeur. I can't tell you how often I think, "Oooohhh, I could do that!" or "My house could look like that." When I can't and it won't. But I can still pin it!!
Remember how I told you I wouldn't rest until my house looked like a box of crayons threw up on it??? :)
Well, I thought I would share my current/currently planned color scheme with you. I promise this really isn't random at all! It really does have something to do with Pinterest. And Doctor Who. Not random at all . . .
Anyway here are the colors I currently have in my house.
Regale Blue in my living room/upstairs bathroom, Haven Green one wall of my dining room/soon to be entire dining room and possibly guest room, and a periwinkle color very similar to Celestial in the kid's room. These are all Sherwin Williams colors because I am obsessed with their paint.
I want to paint my kitchen yellow so I am thinking Butter Up. Though I might go all zany and do something like Lemon Twist!
Then as an accent color throughout the house, Rookwood Red.
I want to paint at least one wall of the master bedroom Hot Cocoa.

I am currently considering painting all the hallways and my master bathroom Glamour.

I am determined to somehow incorporate Kendal Green in somewhere, just because.

Now keep in mind I have planned to do all this (or at least the majority of it) since we first moved in. That was 3 1/2 years ago. Since then I have managed to paint the upstairs bathroom, the trim in the living room (mostly) and one wall of the dining room.
Another thing I had planned to do was paint my door red.
Only one problem with that. The exterior of my house is red. Rookwood red.
So, a red door just doesn't have the same impact when it is juxtaposed against a house that is the exact same color.
There was only one solution I could think of. Repaint the house. I had to pick a new color for the house so I could have my red door. Obviously! I even considered Kendal Green.
Then my sister-in-law was over one day and we were all watching Doctor Who. (See told you this all makes sense. Not random!)
The episode we were watching made a reference to the color Tardis Blue.
My sis-in-law turned to me and said, "that would be an awesome color to paint your front door."
Um, yes it would!!!
And we could keep the house red . . . at least for now . . .
Then I was browsing on Pinterest (see told you not random) and started to see lovely doors painted Tardis blue.
My door would look EXACTLY like this one. Totally. Special thanks to Dwija for encouraging my nutty ideas! ;)
See, from a design standpoint it totally works.
I even considered the prospect of painting the door like a Tardis!!! Wouldn't be too hard. Right?
Something like this.
Oh, so someone else thought of it first. Well it was only a matter of time.
See, just like a box of cray ons !
What do you think? Needs some purple doesn't it?
That could be arranged . . .
For the back doors . . .
You think that's wild? You should see my color scheme for the guest bedroom! That's the room where I really get free reign. >:}
The good news is the Princess seems to be on the mend, though still a bit grouchy. The bad news is that the Peanut told us last night that his throat hurts.