Check this out.
The other day I attempted to cook some chicken. I was just going to "brown" the chicken in a pan on the stove top. See how I used a fancy cooking term there? You might be fooled into thinking I know what I was talking about. That is the correct term, right?
So, I set the pan on the burner and turned it on, waiting for it to heat up.
A second later the smell of something burning wafted up to greet me. Now you might think I would be alarmed. No, this is expected. I usually have dripped or splashed something on the burners. The next time I cook the remaining crud from the previous cooking attempt usually burns right off.
I turned on the fan.
Then the smell got stronger.
And more intense.
That doesn't really smell like burnt food.
It smells more like . . .
melted plastic!
Sure enough I had turned the wrong burner on and managed to melt the bottom out of a cup and the handle of the can opener.
When I picked it up I got some of that melted plastic on my finger. Ouch! |
Melted Zoo Cup |
Some of you might be confused.
Why was there a cup on the stove?
See when you have limited counter space, do dishes infrequently, don't use the stove often, or only use one burner, all that extra space is a valuable commodity. What else would I use it for? Clearly it is just begging to serve as dirty dish overflow/stuff I don't want to bother to put away holder.
Lesson learned. Shouldn't cook.
Now, you might think I have learned the lesson not to put stuff on the stove. This assumption may stem from the fact that you clearly assume this is the first time I have done something so foolish as to turn on the wrong burner and melt something to the stove. You know what they say about assumptions? They make an @$$ out of you and mption! ;)
No, clearly this is not the first time I have done this. I have a melted blender in a box in the garage somewhere to prove that. Really should get rid of that . . .
Usually I only melt things like bread wrappers. Or, I get lucky and there is a dirty pan sitting on the other burner so I just burn the stuff inside. A month or so soaking in the sink takes care of that problem.
Of course, with that big pot soaking in the sink I don't have much room for other dirty dishes.
I guess I'll just have to put them on the stove!