Wednesday, October 1, 2014

{Day 1} Plan for Week 1 - 31 Days of De-Hoarding

Welcome to Day 1 of 31 Days of De-Hoarding.

Each week I plan on starting out with a plan post.  Look at me being all planish.

I know myself well enough to know that if I don't make a plan I will be wandering around the house all week looking for random stuff to de-hoard and at the end of the week I will have an assortment of odds and ends but nothing will actually be done.  No spaces cleared.  And I will feel like it was all a waste of time.

Instead of random wanderings, I will pick one area a week and break it down into sections.  One section each day of the week.  I will tell you this plan so that I will actually be forced to follow it rather than taking one look at the space and thinking, nah, not today.  I'll get to that one tomorrow.  Rinse and repeat.  Not that I have ever done that or anything.

Also, it's my way of cheating a tiny bit and giving myself an easy post once a week.

Usually, my plan post will be on Sunday but October went and decided to start itself off right smack in the middle of the week.  Which means week one will be a short week.

I didn't want to try to tackle a large room with only a few days to work with because I knew I wouldn't make much of a dent in just a few days.  I did want to make some kind of real impact in the first space I picked to work on.

I decided to start right at the beginning.  A small space but pretty major importance.  It is the first space visitors see.

The Entryway

It just so happens to have just the right number of areas to de-hoard for this week.  And it really is in desperate need of some de-hoarding.

The plan for week one.

Day 1 - Entryway Plan

Day 2 - Entryway Shelf

Day 3 - Entryway Closet

Day 4 - Entryway Finishing Touches

And that will finish up the first week.  Short and sweet.

Sounds easy enough.

One day down, thirty days to go.

Now, I need some rest.  I am exhausted after all that planning to do some actual work.

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