Let me tell you. I always have grand intentions of all the things I am going to share on the blog. Half written posts, posts in my head, oodles of pictures taken with a specific post in mind and then...
Life happens and posts don't get written or finished. And you never get to hear about that trip we took to Disney World almost two years ago.
So, for your reading enjoyment, here are seven quick blog posts I have been planning on writing.
1. The Princess gets glasses.
In hindsight I should have probably realized she needed them. She would get so upset when doing her school work that her letters looked wiggly. I thought she was just being a perfectionist. That was only part of it though. Turns out wiggly meant blurry. Go figure.
I got glasses too. Not that I really needed them. My prescription is the lowest one. But I thought it would encourage her. Good thing I don't actually need them because I have already managed to lose them. Which totally makes all my lectures to her about taking care of her glasses and not losing them, a bit hypocritical.
2. The Princess gets her first haircut.