"The third and somewhat larger group (37%) are the Skeptics . 1 While they generally share most of the tolerant views of the Accepters, they also express concern about the impact of these trends on society. On one of the trends -- single motherhood -- they and the Accepters have stark differences. Virtually all Skeptics say mothers having children without male partners to help raise them is bad for society. Among Accepters, just 2% say this. When asked about the six other trends examined in the survey, a majority of Skeptics say each makes no difference or is good for society."And here you were blaming dead beat dads.
Single moms I am here to give you a little friendly advice. It seems that you and not the deadbeat dads are a detriment to society. You (not the missing dads) are actually negatively impacting the lives of your children. After all it's not like you can negatively influence your kids if you aren't even present in their lives. Right?
Joking aside I have to say one of the hardest times in my life was when my husband had a job that required him to commute to another city five days a week. I was left home with two kids, a dog and a cat to take care of. Actually I was pregnant with my daughter when he started and she was almost two when he finally changed jobs. It was stressful to say the least. Everyday when 5:00 came rolling around all I could think about was the fact that he should have been on his way home. Instead I had to continue on with no help until bedtime, wake up with the kids at night and then start over in the morning. Here is the thing though. My husband was home on the weekends. He was only a phone call away whenever I needed him. In an emergency he would have made the four hour drive home. He was there for emotional and financial support. I didn't have to worry if I would see the money on payday. It was always there. I had help. I was never really alone.
For all those "Skeptics" out there who have nothing better to do with their time than take these polls, here is a novel idea. Instead of criticizing single moms why not offer to help them? What a concept! You could watch the kids and give her a much needed break. Drive them to and from school or practice. Take them to the museum, park, a (child appropriate) movie. Be another positive role model in their lives. Go to their games, shows, events. Offer encouragement and support. Instead of looking at how everyone else is impacting society (or not) look at your own influence. Take this opportunity to make your own positive impact.
Let me tell you. I personally know some single moms. They have raised and are raising some great kids. I don't know how they do it all. They command my utmost respect. So instead of pointing my finger I choose to offer a hand.