If you tell a grandparent that your daughter really likes Frozen and that she would like an Anna doll for her birthday...
Expect the grandparent to walk in to the store, find Frozentopia and buy ALL THE THINGS!
One of which will be a mini "flip open sofa."
(We won't even mention the musical snow globe wand that plays Let It Go.)
The elated Princess will of course insist on sleeping in her new sofa, snuggled under her new Frozen blanket, instead of in her perfectly functional bed.
After two nights of "restful" slumber on the floor, she will awaken early Monday morning, tired and grouchy.
Then she just might catch you tearing pages out of her math book to put into her binder and realize the terrible truth.
That you have only been tearing out every other practice page.
Skipping pages!!
And this will be the result.
Worst mother ever. Depriving her of the joy of extra math practice pages.

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