"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway." MIB3
Weeks ago, when we were freshly reeling from
the difficult news we had received about our baby, we sat in Mass and listened to the Gospel. It was about miracles. We listened to stories about how Jesus had healed a woman and brought a little girl back to life. I'll be honest. At that moment it kind of felt like a bit of a slap in the face.
I am sure I felt a bit like some of the people in the crowd might have felt. Pressing around Jesus. Looking for miracles. Then one woman who touches the hem of His garment is healed. Her faith healed her. It makes me wonder if any of the people in the crowd asked the question. "What about my miracle? Why her? I have faith too. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe. Why not me too?"
It was a question I found myself asking. "Where is my miracle?"
Because in that moment all I wanted was a miracle. Not just any miracle of course. My very own custom made to order miracle. I wanted to be able to ask God for exactly what I wanted exactly the way I wanted it.
My vision is very short sighted. I can't see the whole picture and because of that it is sometimes easy to forget that there is something beyond my field of vision.
It's all too easy to call out that challenge to God. God you are all powerful. I know you can do this. So why don't you?
Sound familiar?
It's pretty much the same challenge the first thief called out to Jesus on the cross. "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!" Luke 23:39
Of course the second thief had one simple request. "Jesus remember me when you come in your kingly power." Luke 23:42 And we all know what Jesus responded to him. He said, "get down off the cross. Your faith has healed you." Right?